Nonprofit Spotlight

Nonprofit Spotlight

Accessibility Bridge Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities through programs and resources. The nonprofit’s mission is to promote inclusion and create access for children and adults with disabilities in all areas of their communities. The organization’s vision is to be an active ally facilitating positive change, inclusion practices, and the enthusiasm needed to support those who are disabled in their independence-driven endeavors with respect to employment, housing, education, athletics, social systems, and healthcare. 
Accessibility Bridge Corporation achieves these goals by connecting people with disabilities to communities and resources. When available resources don’t meet the people’s needs, the nonprofit steps in to provide supplemental resources and advocacy. The resources involve signature initiatives and smaller programs, which focus on a wide range of topics. The organization’s efforts empower people with disabilities to become more independent and integrate into society. 
Accessibility Bridge Corporation provides its resources by partnering with nonprofits, educational programs, businesses, and more. Within the partnerships, the organization increases the knowledge and ability of others regarding how to support people with disabilities. The nonprofit’s work is guided by the experiences of its leaders, staff, volunteers, and people within the disability community.

“I’ve learned so much from Accessibility Bridge during Autism Awareness Month.” - Chiquetta Franks, Bee Inspired Studio

Accessibility Bridge Corporation originated due to the efforts of founder and executive director Dee Sapp. Her son, who has autism and an intellectual disability, struggled to complete his secondary school classes. The “one size fits all” resources available to him weren’t equipped to help people with disabilities. Sapp had to search for resources outside of Maryland so her son could receive help and acceptance while attending college. She eventually decided on an out-of-state program for her son. Sapp’s discovery of many inclusive communities during her research led to the creation of Accessibility Bridge Corporation. She founded the nonprofit to help people with disabilities who need more assistance and are uninformed about existing resources.

“Thank you for being the angel that you are! You truly bless everyone you come in contact with! The family is touched! Love you for being you!” - Debbie Fikejs
Accessibility Bridge Corporation offers a wide variety of programs and initiatives for people with disabilities. For example, the Brick 44 Athletic Initiative aims to bring awareness to and offer support for athletes with disabilities. The Winter’s Closet Initiative also supplies clothing and toiletries to people with disabilities. Additionally, the Educational Equity Program gives students with autism and/or intellectual disabilities educational resources to help them succeed in school. 
The nonprofit’s newest initiative is the Caring Cards program, which involves writing cards to people with disabilities. The organization is seeking people who will register to send or receive cards. More information about programs and initiatives is available on the nonprofit’s website.

“I had a great time yesterday! It was so awesome to see people come out in wheelchairs, one with no arms, some with limited sight, and watch them swim competitively! My heart was overwhelmed with joy! I am so honored to know Dee Sapp and her organization Accessibility Bridge Corporation!” - Keva Napper, Beautiful Butterflies, Inc.
In addition to offering resources for people with disabilities, Accessibility Bridge Corporation holds many public activities. One upcoming event is Accessibility Bridge Day. The event will occur on Sunday, Sept. 10 at Regency Furniture Stadium in Waldorf, home of the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs. The organization will also hold an annual online auction in October. Details for other events are given in the nonprofit’s events calendar.

Since the organization is run by volunteers, donations from the public enable Accessibility Bridge Corporation to be successful in its endeavors. There are several ways that people can support the nonprofit. They can make monetary donations, inventory donations, and create Facebook fundraisers. They can also sponsor events, donate sales portions, and follow the organization on social media. Members of the public may volunteer with the organization as well. Available positions include social media interns, greeting card writers, and fundraising committee members.
For more information, visit the nonprofit’s website or social media pages. The organization can be found on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter).
The information used in this article was collected from Dee Sapp and the nonprofit organization’s website.


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