14th Annual Nonprofit Institute Conference
Center for Business and Industry (BI)
La Plata Campus
Adaptive Leadership in the Age of Disruption
Anthony Dicks
Senior Leadership Consultant, 180 Management Group
Meet the Funders
Elisabeth Hyleck, Moderator
Director of Learning and Partnership, Maryland Philanthropy Network
Leveraging Generative AI for Nonprofit Marketing Success
Chris Ripley
Assistant Professor, College of Southern Maryland
Fostering Community Unity Through Youth Apprenticeship Programs in Southern Maryland Nonprofits
Laura Wright
Apprenticeship and Training Representative, Maryland Department of Labor
The Operating Challenge for 21st Century Organizations
Stuart White
Chief Learning Officer, NSWC Indian Head Division
College of Southern Maryland
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Session 1
Optimizing Potential: Maximizing Employee Assets for Organizational Success
Wendy Wolff
Director of Strategic Engagement, Maryland Nonprofits
Building Resilient Fundraising Programs: Retain Your Staff and Your Donors with Burnout-Proofed Systems
Kelly McLaughlin
CEO, From Scratch Fundraising
Building Stronger Communities Through Collective Impact
Walter Simmons
Board Chair, Maryland Nonprofits
President & CEO, Employ Prince George’s
Session 2
Meet the Media
Angela Small, Moderator
Director of Media Relations/Public Information Officer, College of Southern Maryland
Charting a Resilient Course: Strategic Planning and Operations for Impactful Nonprofits
Kristan Smith
CEO, MND Suite Consulting
Data Analytics for High-Performing, Resilient Nonprofits
Tom Morley
Managing Director, Snowflake Consulting
8 - 8:30 a.m. Check-in, Continental Breakfast, and Networking (BI 113/113E)
8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Conference Opens with Welcome Remarks (BI 113/113E)
8:45 a.m. Keynote Speaker Dr. Yolanda Wilson (BI 113/113E)
9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Breakout Session 1
11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Breakout Session 2
12:45 - 2:15 p.m. Lunch (BI 113/113E)
2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Breakout Session 3
Breakout Sessions
Leadership Development Communications Strategic Planning Management
Session 1
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

Wendy Wolff
Director of Strategic Engagement, Maryland Nonprofits
This workshop is designed for leaders and managers in the nonprofit sector, emphasizing the critical role of employees in achieving mission-driven success. Attendees will discover practical ways to find and grow the strengths of each team member and learn how to create a supportive work environment where everyone can excel, helping their nonprofit be more effective and resilient. When staff are performing at their best using their natural gifts and talents, not only does the organization thrive, but the positive impacts ripple through the community, making it a better place for everyone.

Kelly McLaughlin
CEO, From Scratch Fundraising
A growing crisis in the fundraising sector combined with donor fatigue raises the question – How can leaders build resilient nonprofits when fundraisers and donors are abandoning the field? We will share our Framework for Sustainable Fundraising for building long-term programs that build donor loyalty and trust while creating systems and processes that build efficiency for staff. This framework builds fundraising programs that produce happier fundraisers and more loyal donors, a key foundation for a more resilient organization at large. Built for nonprofit organizational leaders, executive directors, fundraising professionals, and board members, this workshop will provide participants with real, actionable skills that they can use immediately to start building their sustainable fundraising program.
Designed for individuals with little to no prior experience with Artificial Intelligence (AI), this breakout session aims to demystify the technology, highlighting practical applications, ethical considerations, and the potential for AI to positively impact nonprofit operations, projects, and progress. Join us to explore how your organization can leverage AI to drive efficiency, innovation, and greater social impact.

Walter Simmons
Board Chair, Maryland Nonprofits
President & CEO, Employ Prince George’s
With the influx of the Covid Relief Act and American Rescue Plan Act funds leaving Maryland, the complex socioeconomic issues that Marylanders face will remain. How will nonprofit organizations meet the needs of our residents and communities with less funds? The answer to that question is unity. Yes, unity, through collective impact. Discover what collective impact is and how to implement a collective impact approach to partnership. Collective impact describes an intentional way of working together and sharing information to solve a complex problem. While collective impact seems very simple and can be similar to plain old “collaboration,” there are certain characteristics that distinguish collective impact initiatives and make them successful.
Part of being a resilient nonprofit is having the stamina to withstand changes and the ability to show sustainability. As agencies are becoming more challenged with showing sustainability, nonprofits should remain true to their mission and ensure that their practices maintain the ethics they proclaim.
Session 2
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
No one is trained in how to run a nonprofit; most founders just want to make a difference. Then they get started and can't figure out why things aren't going the way they thought. Your board is disengaged, your staff is frustrated, you are overwhelmed, and you can't make the difference you wanted. It is hard to be resilient when nothing seems to go as planned and you can't figure out why. You just keep running into roadblocks and become more frustrated. The biggest challenge is that it is hard to find answers and you feel like giving up even though the challenges you wanted to address become bigger and more impactful each day. This interactive session will provide you with the key essentials that can help eliminate or at least reduce your challenges and provide some steps you can take to keep moving forward and achieve your mission.
Learn more about solving the mystery of finding general operating funds. McDonald will share clues on how to find a winning strategy to secure general operating funds in almost any grant application. Join her as she sleuths her way to uncovering funder priorities and how they relate to your mission. Bring your questions for a robust 20 minutes of Q&A.

Angela Small, Moderator
Director of Media Relations/Public Information Officer, College of Southern Maryland
A panel discussion with representatives of local print, broadcast, and online media. Find out how to bring your organization’s news, events, and accomplishments to the attention of media outlets in Southern Maryland.

Kristan Smith
CEO, MND Suite Consulting
This interactive workshop will equip both established and emerging organizations with the tools and strategies to navigate complex environments, focus on collective impact, prioritize strategic action, and optimize operations for efficiency.

Tom Morley
Managing Director, Snowflake Consulting
All nonprofits should be employing data analytics. This session will teach nonprofit leaders key performance measurement, analysis, and intervention concepts they can apply immediately in their specific environments. Participants will take home potential metrics they can apply to their nonprofits, a framework for monitoring performance, and a “to-do list” that will help them bring their data to life.
Lunch & Networking
12:45 - 2 p.m.
Session 3
2:15 – 3:45 p.m.

Anthony Dicks
Senior Leadership Consultant, 180 Management Group
Nonprofit leaders must be adept at adapting. Economic, political, and cultural dynamics in the modern day have ushered leaders and organizations into an age of disruption. Adaptive leadership is a leadership theory whose practices can facilitate unprecedented outcomes amid unprecedented disruption. This session will encourage, empower, and equip participants to become adaptive leaders, engage in adaptive practices, and build adaptive cultures in their organizations to thrive in an age of disruption.

Elisabeth Hyleck, Moderator
Director of Learning and Partnership, Maryland Philanthropy Network
Want to get inside the heads of funders? This session will feature a panel of diverse funders who will share current priorities, practical advice for grant-seekers, and insights about how they are thinking about their work. The discussion topics will include equity in grantmaking; hot topics in philanthropy; how funders are investing in leadership; the best ways to engage with funders; and tips for compelling applications for funding.

Chris Ripley
Assistant Professor, College of Southern Maryland
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, generative artificial intelligence (AI) AI offers unprecedented opportunities for nonprofit organizations to amplify their marketing efforts, maximize outreach, and enhance engagement with their target audience. This session is designed for nonprofit leaders, marketers, and anyone interested in leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive positive social impact. It aims to equip nonprofit professionals with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of generative AI in crafting compelling narratives, generating personalized content, and optimizing digital marketing strategies.

Laura Wright
Apprenticeship and Training Representative, Maryland Department of Labor
This session will explore the transformative power of youth apprenticeship programs within the context of Southern Maryland's nonprofit sector. We will illuminate how these programs not only enrich the lives of young people but also strengthen the fabric of our communities. Southern Maryland, with its unique blend of urban and rural areas, faces distinct challenges and opportunities. Attendees will leave this session equipped with insights and practical tools to integrate youth apprenticeship programs into their organizations, thereby fostering community unity and building a more resilient nonprofit sector in Southern Maryland.

Stuart White
Chief Learning Officer, NSWC Indian Head Division
The dynamics of today's working environment challenge the culture of our organizations differently than in the past. Understanding the dynamics and the effects will allow organizations to maximize meeting the wants and needs of the employees with the contribution demand levels the nonprofit requires to thrive.
Cost is $65 per attendee. Registration opens at noon on March 18 and closes on April 16 at 11:59 p.m. (Cancellation with a full refund is available through 11:59 p.m. on April 16.) Please contact nonprofit@csmd.edu if you wish to cancel your registration.