Board of Trustees
The governing body of the college is appointed by the Governor from citizenry of Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary's counties. The board consists of nine members, each given a five-year term of office and may serve up to two consecutive terms.
View Meeting Schedule, Minutes, and Agendas
View Board Policies
Current Officers

Shawn B. Coates
Chair, 2022, 2023
2018-2023 / 2023-2028
Charles County

Sonja M. Cox
Vice Chair, 2022, 2023
*2018-2022 / 2020-2025
St. Mary's County

Yolanda Wilson, Ed.D.
Secretary and Treasurer
2023 - present
CSM President

Kenneth (Kee) Abell
St. Mary's County

Christy Lombardi
CSM Alumna '05
*2019-2021 / 2021-2026
Calvert County

Cordelia Postell
*2019-2022 / 2022-2027
Charles County

Cathy Allen
*2022 / 2023-2028
St. Mary's County

Pamela Cousins

Celeste Alexander-Frye
2023 -
Calvert County

Diane Sandoval
CSM Alumna '06
2024 -
Charles County
*Completed remainder of another trustee’s term before being appointed for their own five-year term.
Stacey Cooke, Human Resources and Benefits Committee, 2014-present
Daryl Motley, Audit Committee, 2019-Present
Trustee Emeriti
Louis P. Jenkins (1999)
John T. Parran, Jr. (1999)
Henry L. Burke (1999)
Veronica E. Coates (1999)
William Daniel Mayer (1999)
Michael A. Besche (2000)
Dianne McWilliams (2000)
Verna M. Posey (2002)
Delores C. Datcher (2004)
Joseph F. Shannon, Jr (2010)
Mary M. Krug (2016)
James K. Raley, Jr. (2016)
Charles R. Bailey
(2016)Michael L. Middleton
Dorothea H. Smith
Theodore L. Harwood, II
Executive Cabinet
Yolanda Wilson, Ed.D.

Suzanne Summers, Ph.D.
Vice President, Division of Learning (DOL)

Tracy Harris, Ph.D.
Vice President, Division of Student Equity and Success (SES)

Ellen Flowers-Fields
Vice President, Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CWD)

Ron Price
Vice President, Division of People, Culture, and Equity (PCE)

Valarie Burks
Vice President, Division of Information Management and Technology (IMT)

Bill Comey, Ph.D.
Vice President, Division of Operations and Planning (OPP)

Judith Mills
Vice President, Division of Financial Services (DFS)

Craig Patenaude, Esq.
Vice President, Policy, Government Relations, and General Counsel

Dolores Smith
Executive Assistant to the President

Myisha Sudler
Executive Assistant to the President

Annie Sutten
Administrative Assistant to the President