Social Justice Day

April 20, 2022
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Leonardtown Campus

Dr. Randall Salm,

Social Justice Day April 20, 2022

Theme: Social Justice: Fact or Fiction


We are pleased to announce that the 2022 CSM Leonardtown campus Social Justice Day event will entail a Student Scavenger Hunt, where students will work in teams of 2 to 3 students to answer a list of questions that contain facts and myths about local social justice issues in St. Marys’ County.

Students will sign in and receive a list of questions which they will have to answer by finding the local expert with that information. Guests from local governmental and non-governmental organizations will be available at tables around campus and students will have to find the right guests to ask the questions and get answers. Some questions will have answers that are factual while others will be myths that students will need to debunk. Student teams that complete the list of questions will be eligible for prizes.

If weather permits activities will be outdoors to reduce covid risk; if poor weather, it will be indoors. This should be a fun event for all CSM students attending the Leonardtown campus, with a chance to connect with students, faculty and local experts face to face.  This is also a great opportunity for social networking to meet local leaders who may be future employers. Food and refreshments will be served.  All events are free and open to all CSM students and the public.

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