Winter 2022 Commencement
Join us and celebrate CSM's Winter 2022 Graduates. #CSMGrad2022

National Anthem
Andrea Williams '22

President's Address
CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy

Student Speakers
Aniyah Gabriel '22 and Verkia Smith '22

Faculty and Staff Addresses

Distinguished Trustee Award

Conferring Degrees and Closing Remarks

A Message from CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy
The students gathered here at graduation today navigated a global pandemic, along with the rest of the world, that turned our lives upside down. But, graduates, you decided what success would look like for you. You embraced new realities, and persevered. You have demonstrated compassion at an unprecedented level. We call this day "commencement" because it is a new beginning. We have now entered into a new world, and I find hope for all of us in you. You have proven you know how to overcome adversity. You are the role models for those who come after you. You have rewritten the story of success, and you are now uniquely prepared to become the pioneers in our new post-pandemic world. Godspeed!

Join the Celebration #CSMgrad2022
Share messages of support for our graduates on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and make sure to use #CSMGrad2022 and tag the college (@CollegeOfSouthernMaryland). You can revisit our Facebook Watch Party on the CSM Facebook page.

winter 2022 Commencement Candidates

By the Numbers

Congratulations, winter Class of 2022!
The Board of Trustees celebrates each student's incredible accomplishments on this important day. We also congratulate the families and friends who have supported our graduates in their studies along the way.
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The power of education extends beyond developing the skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to community-building and reconciliation. We are steadily and surely introducing education that enables our children to make the most of their similarities and common goals, while appreciating the strength in their diversity. A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, you have something very special.
As graduates of the College of Southern Maryland, you are something very special. You are now empowered to be the change you would like to see in the world. Congratulations graduates!
- CSM Board of Trustees, Jay W. Webster, Chair; Shawn Coates, Vice Chair; Dr. Maureen Murphy, CSM President and Secretary/Treasurer; Kenneth W. Abell; Sonja M. Cox; Jose M. Gonzalez; Samuel C. Jones; Christy Lombardi; Cordelia S. Postell; and Dr. John W. Roache
Dear Graduates,
It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the College of Southern Maryland's Winter Class of 2022!
In a year that has been so challenging for students, your graduation is a testament to your remarkable perseverance and resilience. Each and every one of you have worked hard and accomplished so much under difficult circumstances. Reaching this milestone will open many doors and help you achieve your full potential.
On behalf of the State of Maryland, I extend my most sincere congratulations, and I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
- Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Jr.
Dear College of Southern Maryland graduates:
Congratulations Hawks on reaching this significant milestone. Obtaining your degree requires hard work, dedication, and resilience that not everyone can achieve. This was even more important as many of you balanced your responsibilities outside of the classroom, while also grappling with online learning and other challenges that came with the COVID-19 pandemic.
The lessons you have learned in adversity, perseverance, and flexibility will serve you well as you set off for new adventures that will shape your life: whether that means continuing your education, starting a new career, or making another choice altogether. Remember to embrace every challenge as an opportunity to live a richer life, and make your mark in the world. May you cherish the lessons learned here at the College of Southern Maryland, and may they motivate and encourage you toward continued success.
Please take the time to savor and celebrate this major accomplishment. I wish you the very best for your future, and a prosperous year ahead.
- Maryland Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford
Dear Graduates,
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on the milestone achievement of your college graduation. Despite the unprecedented circumstances of a global pandemic, you all have risen to the challenge and persevered through the hardships. I am pleased to know the strides of Marylanders will only grow with this graduating class and simply put, I am proud of you.
Any individual that takes on the responsibilities of higher education should take great pride in the knowledge and expertise they have gained. All of you will be invaluable to your communities, workplaces, and our country. Again, congratulations on your graduation and I wish you continued success for the future.
- U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer
Congratulations Class of 2022!
It is with great pride that I congratulate you on your graduation from the College of Southern Maryland. This is a huge achievement that you accomplished under difficult circumstances presented by the pandemic.
Your parents, family members, friends, professors, instructors, coaches, counselors and all those who have stood with you are cheering you on. I’m cheering you on!
As you begin your new journeys remember we all are interconnected, and what you do as an individual can have a lasting and positive impact on the world around you.
Thank you, College of Southern Maryland Class of 2022!
-U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
Congratulations to the College of Southern Maryland's Winter Class of 2022! This is a momentous achievement that’s made all the more impressive and inspiring by your perseverance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. These last two years have been filled with new and unexpected obstacles, but each of you has tackled those obstacles head-on, forged ahead, and thrived.
Maryland needs strong, determined leaders like you, and I am excited to see all of the great things you’ll accomplish in the years to come. I’m cheering you on, and I look forward to partnering with you to tackle the challenges in front of us as we work together to build a stronger Maryland.
- U.S. Senator Chris VanHollen
Dear 2022 CSM Winter Graduates:
Please accept my congratulations on your graduation! Over the past couple of years you have faced unprecedented challenges but you have successfully navigated it all to arrive at this moment. You should be very proud of your accomplishments and it is an honor to share in this celebration with you.
- Maryland State Senator Michael Jackson
Congratulations to the Class of Winter 2022 on your graduation from the College of Southern Maryland. It is an honor to recognize you for your hard work and this great achievement. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors.
- Maryland State Senator John "Jack" Bailey
Congratulations to the College of Southern Maryland’s Class of 2022! You all endured, persevered and came out victorious in your mission to obtain your degrees and certifications. I am pleased that the College of Southern Maryland received top national rankings in degree and certificate programs in Business Administration, Administration and Management, IT and Systems Programs, and Accounting! Your academic success has provided an example and raised the standards for the graduating classes to follow you.
I want to especially recognize the graduates of CSM’s Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. Leadership Academy. The academy’s vision to foster the development of ethical, responsible, civic-minded student leaders through education, empowerment and a commitment to service has produced exemplary results. As the Maryland Senator representing Charles County District 28, I applaud and support the growth of future change makers. You all embody that legacy. Congratulations and farewell as you follow your dreams.
- Maryland State Senator Arthur Ellis
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of Winter Commencement 2022! Your perseverance has brought you to this amazing achievement. I wish you the best as you continue on this path of knowledge, advancement and independence.
- Maryland State Delegate Gerald Clark
Congratulations Class of 2022! Even though we can't join together in person to celebrate your achievement, this is a moment worth cherishing. Remember that your graduation ceremony does not just celebrate the end of your degree or your diploma. It celebrates your years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance to obtain your degree through these trying times. This ceremony is not only to celebrate your achievement, but it is also to celebrate your road ahead. This is only the beginning of your journey, and we are all excited to see what you do. Congratulations College of Southern Maryland Class of 2022!
- Maryland State Delegate Brian Crosby
Dear College of Southern Maryland’s Winter Class of 2022,
Congratulations on the completion of this stage of your formal education. My hopes for each of you is your continued success in and out of the classroom as you learn to negotiate your roles in our society. Each of you is uniquely qualified with the skills necessary to make a difference and to be leaders of your generation in whatever field you chose. Congratulations, and I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
- Maryland State Delegate Debra Davis, Esq.
Congratulations graduates! You are commended for not only your decision to accomplish your goals at this outstanding community college, but to also forge ahead during this unprecedented and challenging time. I wish you the very best for now and the future that lies ahead.
- Maryland State Delegate Edith Patterson
Congratulations to the Winter Graduates of the College of Southern Maryland! Despite the many trials and hardships, you have diligently completed your degree/certificate and deserve the highest recognition. Your perseverance is honorable and your accomplishments are awe-inspiring. With your degrees/certificates, I encourage you to make a difference wherever you go. Be a positive influence to those around you. Stay focused and eager. You have proven that whatever you put your mind to is achievable. Once again, congratulations and I look forward to seeing the impact you will have in your communities and in this world.
- Maryland State Delegate Susie Proctor
The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners extends heartfelt congratulations to all Class of 2022 graduates!
We know you have been anticipating this day for years, and you should be proud of your commitment, effort and resolve it took to get you here. Despite the many challenges of these unique times, you have shown great resilience and perseverance. Those qualities will help you through all of life's challenges to come.
We wish all the best to our graduates as you begin your next adventure and we look forward to what you will accomplish for yourselves, your families and your communities in the many years ahead. Congratulations and may the future bring you much success.
- Calvert County Board of County Commissioners, Earl Hance, President; Steven R. Weems, Vice President; Chris Gadway; Mike Hart; and Kelly D. McConkey
Congratulations to the CSM Class of 2022! It is my pleasure to be a part of your graduation as you embark on the next part of your journey. As a Charles County Commissioner, I have enjoyed seeing the growth and excitement from students as they work towards obtaining their degree. You have endured many sacrifices and challenges, but I am proud to say your strength and determination enabled you to pivot and work towards a promise of educational success.
I challenge you to continue to look forward and create new goals. Whether you are at the beginning of your career path or starting a new endeavor, you have already been tested and proven.
Congratulations again, Class of 2022, and remember things may not start how you would like, but it has a way of turning and making a way for new opportunities.
Class of 2022 Strong!
- Charles County Commissioner Thomasina Coates
Congratulations College of Southern Maryland graduates on your outstanding achievement! May all your dreams, goals, and life challenges be fulfilled.
- Charles County Commissioner Amanda Stewart
Congratulations on this important milestone in your academic career. Your graduation is a celebration of the hard work you have invested in your future. It is no small feat to accomplish the task of completing your education. We recognize your hard work and celebrate this moment in your honor!
As you go forward with your academics or go directly into the workforce, please take with you the knowledge that you have the grit, the character, and the education to do anything you choose.
Congratulations on a job well done!
- St. Mary's County Commissioners, James "Randy" Guy, President; Eric Colvin, Michael L. Hewitt, Todd B. Morgan, and John E. O’Connor
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Education is the key which unlocks all your potential. Congratulations on your brilliant success and achievement. Keep up the good work and many more great accomplishments will keep coming your way.
Chasing your dreams is not an easy job. It requires lots of passion, it requires lots of commitments and a true dedication, as you proved it right by being a graduate. The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you carry your spirit to snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Again congratulations, and well done.
- Latina "Tina" L. Wilson, Vice Chair, Charles County Board of Education
Congratulations on this chapter in your journey. Graduation means that you have accomplished remarkable things, and this year, 2021, means you are in the most special of CSM graduates-because you have achieved the greatest of challenges in the last century. You fulfilled the requirements for graduation and survived when so many around you faced adversity and so much sadness. Be proud of this moment and cherish it for time immemorial. I am confident that our future is in capable, compassionate hands with this graduating Class of 2022. Best Wishes!
- Elizabeth Brown, Member, Charles County Board of Education
Dear Graduates,
It is with sincere pleasure I congratulate you upon your graduation from the College of Southern Maryland! You completed school in the midst of a global pandemic and you persevered. You overcame obstacles and you found resiliency. You have come far, worked hard and achieved your goal. Now it’s time to make your mark on the world! I wish you continued success in your future endeavors!
- Charles County Sheriff Troy D. Berry '91
Having control of the direction of your life is key to independence and in later life enjoyment of your achievements. You made the choice to seek educational opportunities and you chose to empower yourself with higher learning. This choice makes you invaluable to society, your community, your friends, your family and, most importantly, yourself. As the saying goes “a little bit of learning goes a very long way” and you will find that education benefits continue for a very long time as it helps to make you a wealthier, happier, and healthier person.
The Commissioners of Leonardtown commend your choice of choosing the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) as your base of learning and wish the best to all the 2022 graduates.
- Commissioners of Leonardtown, Dan Burris, Mayor; Tyler Alt, Nick Colvin, Christy Hollander, J. Maguire “Jay” Mattingly IV, and Mary Slade
Congratulations graduates! I have known many of you as students in St. Mary’s County Public Schools since you started this journey in pre-kindergarten. You worked hard and you did the hard work. Despite many obstacles on your journey peppered with the unimaginable, you successfully endured to this particular finish. This one journey is complete, but there are more to come. As Anthony Robbins said, “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” Best wishes.
- St. Mary's Board of Education, Member Mary M. Washington