Save the Date for NatureFest!
May 31, 2025, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
La Plata Campus, SR Lawn
For more information, contact Tracey Stuller at
Because one of three bites of food we eat and 90% of plant species rely on pollinators, The College of Southern Maryland has joined the coalition of colleges of Bee Campus USA in an effort to restore our native plants, their pollinators, and our indigenous ecosystems.
Ecosystems are built on relationships. Competitive relationships, predator-prey relationships, pollinator-flower relationships, and even host-parasite relationships are critical to balanced, healthy ecosystems. Too often human activities are destructive to ecosystems. Earth is experiencing a global collapse of pollinators and the native plants they rely on. Bee Campus works to reverse that collapse. Ignoring this problem will be consequential.
Through a variety of cooperative efforts and shared goals, Bee Campus USA allies with beekeepers, gardeners, municipalities, organizations, farmers, and businesses and we are dedicated to reversing the decline of native plants and pollinators.
“It turns out, it’s hopeful. It’s hopeful. Every one of you out there can help bees in two very direct and easy ways. Plant bee-friendly flowers and don’t contaminate these flowers… with pesticides." - Marla Spivak
The universal goals of pollinator restoration efforts are outlined by the Xerces Society.
May 31, 2025, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
La Plata Campus, SR Lawn
For more information, contact Tracey Stuller at
If you would like to get involved with CSM's Bee Campus, reach out to any of these professors:
La Plata
Toni Kruska
Leonardtown Campus
Tracey Stuller
Prince Frederick Campus
Laura Robins
Regional Hughesville Campus
Tracey Stuller