Ten CSM Nursing Students Earn Induction into Alpha Omega Honor Society

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) celebrated the induction of 10 nursing students into Alpha Omega, CSM’s chapter of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society. The nursing students selected for this honor earned Bs or better in their nursing courses without repeating the courses and completed a scholarly project related to the advancement of nursing as a profession.
“This milestone represents the inductees’ commitment to the profession of nursing, hard work, perseverance, and excellence,” Chair of CSM’s Nursing Program Dr. Sara Cano told the students in welcoming them to the Sept. 7 event. “For most of our students, trying to balance family responsibilities, work, and school has been a monumental challenge. We can all agree that nursing school is challenging at its best, overwhelming at its worst. Nonetheless, these inductees have risen to the challenge and have completed their requirements, culminating on this ceremony tonight.”
Nursing Professor Robin Madera explained the significance of the honor society, noting that this year is the 10th anniversary of the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society and the CSM’s Alpha Omega Chapter.
She also drew attention to items with symbolic and historical significance that were displayed at the event including roses, a gift for the inductees from the Nursing Students Association; the book “Notes on Nursing” by Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing; a globe as a reminder that nursing is a global profession; a stethoscope to symbolize the tools of the profession; a nursing cap as symbol of the nursing profession; a lighted candle to represent the light of knowledge and lifelong learning; a lamp as a tribute to Florence Nightingale that represents the caring and compassion of the nursing profession; the official pin of the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society, which was awarded to each inductee; and an apricot honors cord which symbolizes membership in the honor society.
Student speaker Lilianna Gusky told the story of the cohort’s project, in which they met with high school students who are considering nursing school, explained what the nursing profession is, and discussed the requirements for and process of getting into nursing school.
“I’ve got to tell you, we were thrilled with the response,” she said. “Students asked a ton of questions and were eager to learn more about our profession. I’m not sure what we expected, but to a person, they all seemed truly interested in what we had to say. I personally enjoyed working with all the other team members, as well as the opportunity to teach and promote our chosen profession to those with a desire to learn more.”
“To be a nursing student, you must be a hard worker, and I believe that our induction into this society demonstrates the level of commitment and dedication to this profession that we have passionately invested in,” she concluded.
Linda Hamel, professor of nursing, closed the event with advice on practicing the “art and science” of nursing.
“Nursing is an art and a science; they are intertwined and work together,” she said. “The art of nursing requires understanding that your patients are more than the medical illness or condition that brought them to the hospital. We sometimes forget that health and healing are affected by other aspects of being human ... Combining the science and art of nursing helps calm fears, builds trust, reduces anxiety, and empowers the patient to participate in their care, all leading to more positive outcomes. I encourage you to practice compassion, communication and care over the last few months in this program. Witness the difference not only for your patients and families, but in yourselves. Remember that you are an instrument in helping others to heal.”
Hamel concluded by sharing a quote from nurse theorist Jean Watson: “Maybe this one moment, with this one person, is the very reason we’re here on earth at this time.”
The September 2022 Alpha Omega Chapter inductees are:
- Pamela Athey
- Rebecca Baker
- Lilianna Marie Gusky
- Rachel Harrison
- Queenie Clarisse Hernandez
- DeAsia Holmes-Johnson
- Sarah Lews
- Bernalyn Masong Vaznaian
- Catherine Yearick
- Alyssa Nicole Yost
To view photographs of the ceremony, visit https://csmphoto.zenfolio.com/p676993336.