CSM Celebrates, Supports, and Entertains Our Community this November

Basket of Blessings Food Drive Continues at Prince Frederick Campus
The College of Southern Maryland Prince Frederick Campus continues its Basket of Blessings food drive until Nov. 5. CSM is asking for canned gravy, canned corn, stuffing, cranberries sauce, corn bread, seasonings, plates and napkins, utensils, canned green beans, canned yams, mashed potatoes and boxed macaroni and cheese to help families in need. Donations can be dropped off at the CSM Prince Frederick Campus Building A atrium. For more information contact Courtney Hawkins at cmkimblehawkins@csmd.edu. For more information, visit https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/10/basket-of-blessings.html
Textile Artist’s Work Explored through December
Now through Dec. 13, “A Voice that We Have Ignored: Works by Miyuki Akai Cook” is open to the public at the Hank Willoughby Foundation Center for the Arts, Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, at the La Plata Campus at 8730 Mitchell Rd., in La Plata. Textile artist Miyuki Akai Cook uses weaving, knitting, and crochet to explore themes of generational well-being and environmental awareness. A unique, illustrative pedagogy pairs earlier work alongside new imagery. The combinations are abstractly narrated by monster-like creatures called Yokai that both amaze and delight.
CSM Celebrates Veterans Week
CSM is hosting a series of events to honor veterans, provide valuable resources, and create community connections.
- Spring Priority Registration with Student Life Nov. 5
The Spring Priority Registration with Student Life event will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Building B, Room 306, at the Leonardtown Campus at 22950 Hollywood Rd., in Leonardtown. The CSM Transfer Team will have a table set up for transfer information and will be joined by the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). Veterans Affairs orientation beings at noon in B306. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/veterans-week-2024-day2.html
- Microsoft Certification Training Nov. 7
Microsoft certification training will be offered by Project Veteran House on Thursday, Nov. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Business Building (BU), Room 203, at the La Plata Campus. Register at https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/veterans-week-2024-day4.html
- Veteran Resource Day Nov. 8
St. Mary’s County Department of Aging and Human Services will host a Veteran Resource Day at the University System of Maryland at Southern Maryland from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, at 44219 Airport Rd., in California. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/veterans-week-2024-day5.html
Stage Play of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express Opens for November Dates
All are invited to attend CSM’s production of Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” at the Hank Willoughby Foundation Center for the Arts (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater at the La Plata Campus. Nov. 8 - 17. Fridays and Saturdays 7:30 p.m.; Sundays 3 p.m. Tickets are $10. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/orient-express-nov-8.html
Concert Series: The Borisevich Duo to Perform Nov. 9
The Borisevich Duo, featuring pianist Margarita Loukachkina and violinist Nikita Borisevich, is an internationally acclaimed violin and piano duo, frequently performing across the United States and Europe. Borisevich and Loukachkina are winners of numerous international music competitions. See them perform on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Building B, Rooms 103-105 at the Prince Frederick Campus. Admission is free. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/borisevich-11-9-2024.html
Spring Registration Opens Nov. 11 for All Students
Spring registration for CSM classes opens to all students on Monday, Nov. 11. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/spring-registration-all-11.html
Walk with CSM at Veterans Day Parade Nov. 11
Join the CSM community as we walk and ride in the Leonardtown Veterans Day Parade Nov. 11 with a CSM veterans banner. Anyone who wants to walk or ride in the parade is welcome to join. The Leonardtown Veterans Day Parade starts at the St. Mary’s Ryken High School parking lot at 8 a.m. for the parade to begin at 10 a.m. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and their families are encouraged to attend. St. Mary’s Ryken High School is located at 22600 Camp Calvert Rd., in Leonardtown. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/veterans-week-2024-day6.html
Hawk Fall Concert Set at Leonardtown Campus Nov. 14
Join CSM for a day of live music and local bands on Thursday, Nov. 14, from noon to 8 p.m. at the Building A Auditorium at the Leonardtown Campus. Food and snacks will be provided for current CSM students while supplies last. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/hawk-concert-leon.html
“A Voice that We Have Ignored: Works by Miyuki Akai Cook” Gallery Artist Reception Set for Nov. 14
Miyuki Akai Cook featured in “A Voice that We Have Ignored: Works by Miyuki Akai Cook” talks about her work Thursday, Nov. 14, from 2:30 – 4 p.m., at the Hank Willoughby Foundation Center for the Arts lobby at the La Plata Campus. https://www.csmd.edu/calendar/2024/11/miyuki-works-nov14.html
Campuses Close for Thanksgiving Break Nov. 27 – Dec. 1
CSM campuses and operations will be closed from Nov. 27 – Dec. 1 for the Thanksgiving holiday.