Focus to Finish

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Focus is key to achieving the goals you set for yourself. The more effort and attention you can bring to bear on a challenge, the better your odds of success.

CSM's Focus to Finish improves learning outcomes with a course structure that lets you concentrate more on each of your classes, splitting the fall and spring semesters into two 7-week sessions.

Students do better across the board when they have less to keep track of at once. Dividing the semester in half leads to better grades, faster completion times, higher graduation rates, and fewer withdrawals.


Focus to Finish offers significant short- and long-term benefits to students. Devoting more of your energy and effort makes for better learning experiences and leads to better educational outcomes:

  • Students do better across the board when they have less to keep track of at once. Dividing the semester in half leads to better grades, faster completion times, higher graduation rates, and fewer withdrawals.
  • Attention, time, and effort are limited resources. Taking fewer classes at a time lets you use your resources more efficiently and effectively.
  • Complete course sequences twice as quickly when you have the option to take the second course immediately after the first.

How It Works

With Focus to Finish, you'll take the same number of classes in a semester, earn the same number of credits, do the same amount of coursework, and spend the same number of hours in class as in a traditional 15-week course format

Focus to Finish simply breaks the semester into two halves.

To illustrate, a full-time student is planning their schedule for the upcoming semester and intends to take four 3-credit courses. In Focus to Finish, they'll take two courses in the first 7-week session and two courses in the second, instead of keeping track of four classes' worth of assignments, studying, and exams for four months.

A part-time student is keeping to their college plans alongside other commitments—a career, parenting, or caregiving, for example—and is committed to taking two classes this semester. With CSM's Focus to Finish, they can concentrate on one class in the first half of the semester and the other in the second half.



Fall 1 
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)
Fall 2
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)



Spring 1
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)
Spring 2
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)



Summer 1
Class 1 (3 credits) 
Summer 2
Class 2 (3 credits) 





Fall 1
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)
Fall 2
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)



Spring 1
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)
Spring 2
Class 1 (3 credits)
Class 2 (3 credits)



Summer 1 
Class 1 (3 credits) 
Summer 2
Class 2 (3 credits) 



Real Students, Real Stories

rhey photo
When I registered for my first 7-week course, I thought I was going to have to double my study hours. But as I went through the class, I realized that the workload was lighter than what I had expected, and it actually gave me more time to spend with my family. I feel more in control of my academic success when I only have to focus on two courses at a time, rather than four. The 7-week classes give me the opportunity to meet and communicate with my professors more often, which makes me more comfortable approaching them and asking for help whenever I need it. I retain the information better than when I'm in a 15-week class because I’m not dividing my attention, and I get the practice I need to master the course. The idea of finishing two courses in the middle of the semester encourages me to stay focused, finish the rest, and stay on track to graduating sooner. It is easier to stay organized, especially when you don't have a bunch of different things on your plate.
Rhey Mesowski '22
Current Student
Read More

Frequently Asked Questions

As a general rule, you can register for a maximum of nine (9) credits in a single 7-week session, although this limit can vary depending on special circumstances. Visit the Catalog for more information on limitations and exceptions to maximum credits per term.

Our recommendation is that students take two classes in each 7-week session and two classes in the summer session (where applicable).

Full-time status is based on the number of credit hours you are registered for in a semester. Taking at least 12 credit hours in a semester—combining the two 7-week sessions and the 15-week session if applicable—makes you a full-time student. 

You will register for classes for both 7-week sessions and the 15-week session, if applicable, at the same time during the semester registration period. 

These dates will vary from semester to semester. Dates will be posted on the academic calendar each semester.

Credit hours for your classes will not change. If you take two 3-credit classes in a 7-week format, you will earn six credit hours.

About seventy percent of our courses will be offered in the 7-week format, with 15-week options available for some classes. Use the course schedule in Student Planning to identify the length of courses in upcoming semesters.

The biggest difference between Focus to Finish’s 7-week structure and the traditional 15-week semester-long model isn’t the amount of something in a semester; it’s the number of individual courses and subjects you’re handling at once. The number of hours you spend in class won’t change. For example, let’s say you were taking four 15-week courses, and you spent three hours in class for each of the four courses, for a total of 12 in-class hours.

In Focus to Finish, those four courses are split up into two 7-week sessions, with two courses in each chunk. Each week you’ll spend twelve hours in class: six hours in one course, six hours in the other course.

The content of each course stays the same in Focus to Finish. The amount of work and effort will remain the same each week, but by taking half as many classes at once, you can devote more of your attention and energy to each.

Financial aid is based on enrollment status in a semester, regardless of whether a course is in the 7-week or 15-week format.

Financial aid is based on enrollment status in a semester, regardless of whether a course is in the 7-week or 15-week format. 

Financial aid for a term will be disbursed roughly halfway through the session, for both 15-week and 7-week classes. The amount of aid remains the same; it’s simply split into multiple disbursements. Please note that—because financial aid is based on enrollment status, that is, the number of credits—if you fail a class in the first 7-week session and don’t pick up a “replacement” course in the second 7-week session, your financial aid will be calculated based on the total remaining number of credits you are enrolled in for the semester. 

If you have questions regarding your financial aid, please contact CSM's financial assistance office at or 301-934-7531.

No, your benefits will not be affected. VA will pay your benefits during the dates of each term that you enroll in.

The VA pays the monthly housing allowance on a monthly basis, in the rears. After the completion of a month. If you are a full-time student, you will receive the maximum housing allowance based on your enrollment.

However, if the student isn’t enrolled for the full month, their housing would be adjusted. For example, if you’re a full-time student starting the spring semester on January 19, you would be eligible for housing benefits based on the enrollment period of January 19 to 31 for the month of January then February would be Feb 1- 28, and March would be March 1- 10th.

VA pays the MHA only when you are enrolled. They do not pay for breaks or holidays that extend beyond seven days.

If you have questions regarding your VA benefits, please contact CSM’s veterans benefits office at or 301-934-7656 (La Plata) or 240-725-5421 (Leonardtown and Prince Frederick).

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