Nonprofit Spotlight
Nonprofit Spotlight

The Ladies of Charity Calvert County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Catholic women’s organization that serves Jesus Christ by serving people in need. The members, both Catholic and non-Catholic women, participate in several ministries. The food pantry is the main ministry, and other ministries exist for various purposes.
The nonprofit’s history started in France during the 1600s. St. Vincent de Paul, the patron saint of charity, founded the Ladies of Charity. The group served Jesus Christ by helping the poor, without seeking recognition for doing so. The Ladies of Charity organization was established in the United States over 150 years ago. The local chapter began as St. Anthony’s Ladies of Charity in 1968. The participating women did activities such as visiting sick parishioners, giving people rides to the hospital, and giving holiday meals to families. Church officials considered the local chapter an important resource for people in need. In recent years, The Ladies of Charity Calvert County has helped hurricane relief efforts, distributed school supplies, held food drives, and more.

“When I came to you, I was in bad shape. No job, Mom had passed, and only income was disability. The food was a blessing. I don’t know how I would have eaten. You are stable, like a family, best pantry in the county. I was able to use my income for health benefits. I have shared your food with neighbors and referred others to you.” – Ms. Mo, food pantry client

The food pantry is located at 8823 Dayton Avenue, North Beach. The pantry is open every Tuesday from 12 - 2 p.m., the second Wednesday of every month from 5 - 7 p.m., and the last Saturday of every month from 10 - 12 p.m. Clients who cannot arrive during those hours may contact the pantry to pick up food at a different time. The food pantry gives out perishable and non-perishable groceries, as well as full holiday meals for families. One pantry manager and 40 volunteers currently operate the food pantry. The Ladies of Charity Calvert County also hosts an on-site “mini-market” for clients living in North Beach’s senior apartments. The nonprofit transports groceries and sets up tables where clients can choose their items. Additionally, the nonprofit offers limited financial assistance for people who need help with affording gas, prescriptions, utilities, and rent.
“I thank God for the Ladies of Charity and I always love their selection, especially for my cereal, jelly, and sometimes the small cans of chicken. Me and my dog (Minnie) love it and as for the volunteers, I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate them. They are here wind, snow, rain, and hail. God bless them all and a Great Big Thank You.” – Ms. B, senior apartments resident

The Ladies of Charity Calvert County is seeking to rebuild the food pantry. The nonprofit plans to do this to achieve its vision: “[addressing] the needs of those in our community through both traditional ministries and innovative programs designed to meet the challenges of a changing population and uncertain resources.” Strategic plan goals include redesigning the building with more capabilities, creating new or expanded programs, and supporting local communities. The proposed building will have an open floor plan for receiving and distributing items. It will also have a residential appearance, be ADA compliant, and be energy efficient. The building will be fit to last for at least 30 years. Donations and a $265,000 grant awarded to the organization by Maryland State Sen. Michael Jackson will be used to rebuild the pantry. Until the pantry is rebuilt, all food distribution activity is being done outside. This includes taking, packing, and delivering orders to client cars.
“The food pantry is wonderful all around. After I lost my job, someone told me about you. You help put food on the table on a weekly basis. You keep my family happy, so I am happy. You have helped me find other resources for oil heat and mortgage assistance. Everyone is nice. Gifts at Christmas are great. I tell everyone about you.” – Ms. P, food pantry client

The Ladies of Charity Calvert County welcomes donations from organizations, families, and individuals. Most of the nonprofit’s expenditures are used to support its ministries, especially the food pantry. Individuals can leave non-perishable food at a donation bench, which is located at the food pantry’s address. If someone leaves a message at a designated number, a volunteer can pick up the donations on-site. Items that the food pantry always needs include beans, canned tuna or chicken, canned vegetables, cereal, peanut butter, and jelly. Individuals can also make checks payable to the Ladies of Charity Calvert County and mail them to the nonprofit. Additionally, the organization accepts marketable securities and bequests.
Visit the nonprofit’s website for more details and contact information. The Ladies of Charity Calvert County also has a Facebook page.
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