Emergency Procedures

Quick Reference Guides

Emergency Preparedness
emergency preparedness checklist cover

Occupant Emergency Plan
occupant emergency plan

Emergencies can happen at any time.

All staff, faculty, and students should take personal responsibility for themselves and prepare for emergency situations before they happen.

  • Review emergency procedures for your classrooms, workspaces, and on this webpage.
  • Identify primary and secondary evacuation routes from buildings.
  • Know the locations of designated shelter areas on campus.
  • Know the location of fire extinguishers and AEDs.

Download the full Emergency Operations Plan (Employee my.CSMD login required)

General Emergency Procedures

When a building fire alarm sounds, or when directed by PSD, or other emergency response agency, all occupants will leave the building through the nearest exit. Designated personnel from PSD or Facilities may remain behind for the purpose of assisting other occupants or first responders.
  • Treat fire alarms as actual emergencies and not drills.
  • Quickly gather personal belongings such as coats and car keys.
  • Leave the building in a calm, orderly manner through the nearest available exit.
  • If there is no one behind you, close but do not lock doors as you leave.
  • Listen for and follow instructions from PSD, EAC’s, and/or emergency responders.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • Provide assistance to individuals with functional impairments who may need help evacuating.
  • Move and remain at least 150 feet away from the building and if possible, to the upwind side.
  • DO NOT enter the building until instructed to do so by PSD. The silencing of the alarm is not an indicator to return to the building.

  •  Make an announcement to the students for the need to evacuate.
  • Encourage students to remain calm and direct them to the nearest available evacuation point.
  • Pay particular attention to those who may need assistance to evacuate.
  • If possible, keep students together during the evacuation and stay with them.

  • Proceed to a central location on your floor where you can communicate the evacuation order.
  • Encourage people to move quickly to the evacuation routes.
  • Assist faculty in locating any persons who need special assistance and enlist the help of others to assist them during the evacuation
  • If possible and safe to do so, make a brief sweep of the area to ensure the evacuation is completed. Notify Public Safety of anyone who is not able to evacuate.

Directed evacuation is used to get occupants out of a building by a route designed to avoid contact with a potential threat, such as a suspicious package, a hazardous material spill, or if usual evacuation routes are blocked.

Instructions for directed evacuation will typically be given on scene by PSD or other emergency response personnel.

People with disabilities or mobility impairments should plan for emergencies by developing an evacuation strategy and sharing it with PSD staff, faculty, and fellow students who are willing and able to assist during an evacuation. People with service animals should practice evacuating with different routes so the service animal becomes familiar with alternate evacuation routes.

During an emergency situation, those persons requiring assistance should be consulted regarding their needs prior to assisting them. The suggestions listed below may vary depending on the emergency situation and the needs of the person requiring assistance.

To evacuate people with mobility impairments:

  • Assist and accompany to evacuation site if possible.
  • Use a sturdy chair (or one with wheels) to move the person.
  • Help carry the individual to safety, or use an evacuation chair (stair chair)
  • If unable to evacuate a person safely, notify PSD or other emergency responders.

To evacuate people using wheelchairs:

  • Consult the individual before moving him/her.
  • Individuals on ground floor locations may be able to exit with little assistance.
  • Utilize evacuation chairs (stair chairs).
  • After evacuation, individuals may continue to require assistance.

To assist people with visual impairment:

  • Announce the type of emergency
  • Take directions from the individual about how to best guide him/her.
  • Tell the person where you are going and what obstacles you encounter.
  • When you reach safety, ask if further assistance is needed.

To assist people with hearing impairment:

  • If necessary, turn lights on/off to gain the person’s attention.
  • Indicate directions with hand gestures.
  • If time permits, write a note with evacuation procedures.

Emergency evacuation chairs are installed on the La Plata, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick campuses to assist with the evacuation of people with disabilities. Although emergency evacuation chairs are designed to be guided by one person, seek assistance from others in the event that individuals will need to take turns as necessary to guide the chair downstairs.

CSM utilizes the Evac Chair 500H model of emergency evacuation chair on all campuses in all locations. The chairs are intentionally designed to be easy to operate, and instructions for using the chair are printed on the seat of each unit.

Emergency chairs are located in the following locations:

La Plata Campus:

View on Campus Map

  • BI 2nd floor stairwell next to room 206
  • CC 2nd floor stairwell next to room 200
  • BU 2nd floor stairwell next to room 202
  • AD 2nd floor stairwell next to room 216
  • CE 2nd floor stairwell next to room 204
  • ST 2nd Floor stairwell next to room 237

Leonardtown Campus

View on Campus Map

  • Building A, 3rd floor next to room 301
  • Building B, 3rd floor next to the elevator
  • Building C, 3rd floor next to room 301, west stairwell

Prince Frederick Campus

View on Campus Map

  • Building A, 2nd floor of the east stairwell
  • Building A, 2nd floor of the west stairwell
  • Building B, 2nd floor landing of stairway 2 near room PFB 205

Regional Hughesville Campus

View on Campus Map

  • Center for Health Sciences: Second floor of each of the stairwells

Building occupants may be directed to shelter in place for situations such as severe weather or an outside hazardous material release where people would be safer inside than outside a building. The nature and location of the incident will determine the extent of the shelter in place actions.

In all instances, be prepared to evacuate the building or relocate to another area within the building. Adhere to instructions communicated through Omnilert and instructions communicated directly by PSD or other emergency responders.

For severe weather:

  • If safe to do so, close blinds and/or curtains on exterior facing windows.
  • Move away from exterior windows.
  • If possible, seek shelter in a lower-level room with no windows, or in a designated shelter area.

Incidents involving hazardous material release outside a building

  • Close door and windows
  • Seal doors and windows with tape if available.

A lockdown may be orders for a human threat such as an active assailant. In a lockdown situation, doors are secured, and occupants are expected to remain inside.

  • Stay calm.
  • Remain in classroom or If in a common area like the library or cafeteria, seek shelter in a more secure area. This could be a bathroom or closet.
  • Lock doors and barricade them if Consider alternative ways to enhance door security.
  • Do not allow anyone access once the doors are locked, as this may compromise the safety of those inside.
  • Do not allow anyone to talk their way inside as he/she may be the suspect or may be coerced by the suspect outside of your view.
  • Wait for further instructions and do not allow anyone to leave until the all clear message is given.

A campus evacuation is used to get students, faculty, and staff off CSM campuses due to a serious emergency on or adjacent to a CSM campus, in the immediate vicinity, or in the region.

When leaving campus, drive with caution, be courteous, and follow directions from emergency responders. Do not block ingress/egress for responding emergency vehicles.

In the event of a mass evacuation that requires using transportation means other than personal vehicles, students, staff, and faculty will be directed by first responders to a specific location as determined by the situation.

Specific Emergency Procedures

Active Shooter

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and/or populated area. Active shooter incidents are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Each situation is different and will change rapidly. Different areas of a campus will be impacted on vastly different levels. Staff, faculty, and students should take responsibility for their own safety, and be prepared to act to ensure it until law enforcement or other first responders are available to provide assistance.

Law enforcement officers responding to the incident will first focus on containing and/or eliminating the threat. Treating the injured and wounded is a secondary priority and may not happen during the initial response to the incident.

There are three basic protective actions to take during an active shooter event: Avoid (Run, get out), Deny (Hide, lockdown), or Defend (Fight, take out).

Avoid (run, get out)

  • Leave the area if it is safe to do so, moving away from the shooter’s location.
  • Have an escape route and plan in mind. Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Keep your hands visible to responding law enforcement personnel.
  • Follow instructions from PSD, or other first responders.
  • Prevent others who may be attempting to flee from entering the area where a shooter might be.
  • Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.

Deny (hide, lockdown)

  • Hide in an area that can be locked and secured to prevent entry, and behind large items that provide concealment from the shooter’s view and protection from gunfire.
  • Block the entry to your hiding place and lock the doors.
  • Turn off lights, close blinds, silence cell phones.
  • Remain calm and call 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
  • Unless you are in imminent danger from a fire, ignore fire alarms that may activate, but stay aware of your surroundings.
  • If you are in a safe location that is not directly affected by the active shooter, do not leave until you are instructed to do so by law enforcement officials.
  • Keep your hands in plain view for law enforcement officers. Follow direction exactly and carry nothing that could be mistaken for a weapon.

Defend (fight, take out)

Active shooter events begin suddenly and without warning. Some areas of the college will be affected before law enforcement officers are able to respond.

  • If an active shooter has entered your room or work area and your life is in imminent danger, your best chance of survival is to attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the shooter.
  • Throw items and use improvised weapons available in your area such as fire extinguishers, hot liquids, or anything else at your disposal that could give you an advantage.
  • Use your physical strength to hit, kick, tackle, or use other forms of physical aggression.
  • Commit fully to your actions. This is a fight for your life.
  • Always be prepared to escape if the opportunity presents itself.
  • Use extreme caution if attempting to disarm the shooter. Even if you are experienced with weapons, you may encounter a responding law enforcement officer who is looking for an armed person.

What to expect from emergency responders

  • The first responding law enforcement officers will not stop to help wounded. The primary mission is to mitigate the threat posed by the shooter.
  • Medical and rescue teams will begin treatment of the injured after the area is declared safe by law enforcement.
  • Medical teams may call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing wounded from the scene.
  • Keep in mind that once you are in a safe location, the entire area will be a crime scene.

After the incident

After evacuation, you may be taken to a holding area for medical treatment, interviewing, and/or counseling.

  • Law enforcement personnel may detain you as a witness to the incident.
  • You may be asked to provide statements to law enforcement right away, or at a later time.
  • You will not be allowed to enter any areas of the campus that have been directly impacted. This could include parking areas.
  • Information will be released to the community as soon as possible.

Run. Hide. Fight.

In this FBI training video, customers at a bar are caught in an active shooter event. By employing the run, hide, and fight tactics, as well as knowing the basics of rendering first aid to others, they are prepared, empowered, and able to survive the attack

Learn More

Basic Medical Emergencies


Notify Public Safety as soon as possible of any medical emergencies occurring on campus. All members of PSD are trained in emergency medical care and have the equipment necessary to provide basic care.

There are six immediate priorities in first aid, regardless of injury or illness. The acronym “THREE ABC’s” is a useful tool for recalling the six priorities. This expanded primary assessment is a rapid evaluation of the scene and the patient in which life-threatening conditions, such as blocked airway, severe and uncontrolled bleeding, and cardiac arrest are recognized.

  • A1 ASSESS the scene: Before entering any scene where a person has been injured or is ill, potential first aid providers should ensure that it is safe to introduce more people into the environment. Situations such as exposed electrical wires and hazardous material create an environment that is unsafe for untrained personnel.

    • A2 AIRWAY: Ensure an open airway and that the victim is breathing.

    • A3 ALERT others B1 BARRIERS: If available, first aid providers should use basic personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and CPR masks when possible.

  • B2 BREATHING: Check to make sure the victim is breathing.

    • B3 BLEEDING: Check for injuries and bleeding that can be controlled using basic first aid measures.

  • C1 CPR: Start CPR if the victim has no pulse.

    • C2 CERVICAL SPINE: Prevent unnecessary movement of the head or neck.

    • C3 COVER: Protect the victim from the environment as much as possible.

Bomb Threat

If you receive a telephone call to any location of CSM, try to keep the caller on the line to obtain as much information as possible. After the caller hangs up, call PSD to relay the information. Individuals receiving the information should attempt to obtain the following information:

  1. When is the bomb going to explode?
  2. Where is it right now?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What kind of bomb is it?
  5. What will cause it to explode?
  6. Did you place the bomb? Why?
  7. What is your name?

You are also asked to be aware of and take notes on the following:

  1. The exact wording of the threat.
  2. Sex/Age of caller.
  3. Length of call.
  4. Any distinguishing characteristics of the caller’s speech or language.
  5. Any background noises.

The decision to evacuate a building will be made by the Incident Commander in consultation with first responders. Wait until you are instructed to leave. Premature evacuation could be unsafe. The decision to evacuate will be made with consideration given to a variety of factors. Such as:

  • Recommendation of Incident Commander
  • Credibility/specificity of threat
  • Recent history
  • General public safety matters

After receiving the order to evacuate, employees and students should leave the doors open and:

  • Secure sensitive work materials.
  • Conduct a visual search of your immediate area for items that seem out of place. Searches for unusual items are most successfully conducted by the people who are in the area every day.
  • Evacuate the building using the nearest safe exit, or as directed by a member of PSD or another emergency responder.
  • If a suspicious object is found, notify PSD, or another emergency responder.
  • DO NOT operate a cellular telephone or other communication device.

Civil Unrest/Disturbance

Whenever you observe or become aware of civil unrest forming in or around the College, notify the Public Safety Department. Public Safety will isolate the area where the incident is occurring and coordinate activities with responding law enforcement agencies.

Staff, faculty, and visitors should also:

  • Stay in your immediate area and do not attempt to go to the scene of a demonstration.
  • Avoid interaction with the demonstrators. Do not attempt to antagonize the demonstrators.
  • Depending on the nature of the incident, you may be asked to move to another location in a building, or to a different building altogether.
  • Follow directions from Public Safety, or other emergency responders.

Criminal Activity

Notify the on campus Public Safety Department or call 911. Criminal activity may include but is not limited to:

  • Assault
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Theft
  • Use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol on campus
  • Illegal possession of a weapon on campus
  • Vandalism

Provide as much information as possible to PSD, including:

  • Suspect Description
    • Race
    • Sex
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Hair color
    • Identifying marks such as tattoos or scars
  • Suspect vehicle:
    • Make
    • Model
    • Color
    • Plate number and state
    • Identifiable decals, damage, or markings on the vehicle
  • Time and location of the criminal activity
  • Do not attempt to detain the suspect.
  • Ask any witnesses to remain until help arrives.


Earthquakes are not a common event in the Southern Maryland region, but they can happen. Earthquakes occur without warning and may be violent. Studies of injuries and deaths caused by earthquakes in the U.S. over the last several decades indicate that people are much more likely to be injured by falling or flying objects, than to be injured or die in a collapsed building.


In the event of an earthquake:

  • If outside, stay in the open away from buildings, power lines, or anything that could fall.
  • If indoors:
    • DROP to the floor
    • Take COVER under a sturdy desk or table
      • If there is no desk or table nearby, go to an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your arms.
      • Avoid windows, mirrors, hanging objects, and cabinets filled with objects that could fall
    • HOLD ON until the shaking stops.
  • Do NOT:
    • Get in a doorway.
    • Run outside during the earthquake.

After the earthquake

  • After the shaking has stopped, account for students and co-workers.
  • Stay out of damaged buildings as aftershocks may cause them to collapse.
  • Provide first aid to injured people.
  • Stay together with your class or workgroup. Wait in a safe area away from any building for further instructions from emergency responders.

Elevator Emergencies and Entrapments

In the event that an elevator becomes stuck, or elevator service is interrupted by a malfunction or power outage:

  • All CSM elevators have an emergency phone panel that is monitored at all times.
  • Locate the emergency phone panel and follow instructions for its use. The emergency phone panel may be identified with words, a symbol similar to the one shown below, or both. The monitoring company will notify Public Safety.
  • If the emergency phone is out of order or does not generate a response and you have a cell phone, contact campus Public Safety. Make noise to draw attention to the situation.
  • Stand away from the doors while waiting for a response.
  • Do not climb through partly opened doors, especially if the elevator is stopped between floors.
  • Do not force open the door.


If you discover fire or smell smoke:

  • Sound the fire alarm by activating a fire alarm pull station and evacuate the building.
    • If you are not able to locate an alarm pull station, notify other occupants of the building by knocking on doors and shouting “FIRE” as you evacuate the building.
  • Call 911 and notify campus Public Safety.
    • If the fire is small, and you are confident in doing so, use a fire extinguisher to put the fire out.
    • If you encounter smoke:
      • Find another exit if necessary
      • Stay low under the smoke and keep your nose and mouth covered
    • Do not open doors that are hot to the touch. Use an exposed back of your wrist to test doors for heat before opening.
    • Close doors behind you as you evacuate, but do not lock them.
    • When evacuating, stay with your group and move at least 150 feet away from the building.
    • Do not go back into the building for any reason until emergency responders have declared it safe to do so.

If you cannot evacuate or are trapped:

  • Close doors between you and the fire and/or smoke.
  • Seal door cracks and cover vents to keep out smoke.
  • Call 911 and report the location where you are trapped.
  • Signal emergency responders from a window when possible.

If your clothes catch fire:

  • Stop where you are.
  • Drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands.
  • Roll over and over to smother the flames.

Fire Extinguisher Operation

Use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire only if:

  • The fire is no larger than a trash can;
  • There is an extinguisher nearby; and
  • You feel confident about using an extinguisher to put out the fire.

How to use a fire extinguisher:

  • Check the fire extinguisher to make sure it is appropriate for the type of fire. The extinguishers in the common areas of all CSM campuses are Class A-B-C extinguishers, and are suitable for most fires
  • Check the pressure gauge. The needle should be in the green section of the gauge.
  • Remove the extinguisher from its cabinet or bracket
  • Use the acronym PASS to operate:
    • P PULL the safety pin, breaking the plastic tab, and discard it.
    • A AIM the nozzle at the base of the fire
    • S SQUEEZE the handle to discharge the dry chemical powder
    • S SWEEP the nozzle back and forth across the base of the fire
  • Use the entire contents of the extinguisher. If the fire does not go out after emptying the extinguisher, evacuate immediately.
  • When the fire appears to be out, back away, it could flare up again.

Fire Alarm Sounding with No Visual Fire or Smoke

Fire alarms will be treated as actual emergencies until PSD or emergency responders determine otherwise.

When the fire alarm sounds:

  • Evacuate the building at once by moving quickly, but in an orderly manner, to the nearest exit.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Assist people with disabilities who may need help evacuating.
  • Stay with your group and move at least 15 feet away from the building.
  • Do not go back into the building for any reason until authorized to do so by Public Safety. The silencing of the fire alarm is NOT a signal that it is safe to enter the building.

Hazardous Material Incidents

Hazardous materials are defined as materials or substances that pose a risk to the safety and/or health of the community or environment when released from its container. Some examples of hazardous materials are:

  • Spilled chemicals
  • Leaking compressed gas
  • Poison release/spill
  • Unusual or unrecognized odor
  • Fuel spill

A hazardous material incident may occur at any time. The incident may be on campus or nearby, such as a transportation accident involving railroad, highway, or airway, or an industrial accident at a nearby business.

Call 911 to immediately report any incident involving hazardous material on or near any CSM campus.

Campus response procedures for a hazardous material incident will vary according to the location of the incident, the quantity and type of material involved, time of day, day of the week, and weather conditions.

Depending on the nature and extent of the incident, students, staff, and faculty may be directed to:

  • Evacuate a building
  • Relocate to another location within a building, or to another building
  • Remain inside a building until a situation is stabilized
  • Evacuate the campus

In the event of evacuation, staff, faculty, and students will be directed to the safest evacuation route based on:

  • Wind direction
  • Chemical runoff
  • Traffic conditions

When evacuating because of a hazardous materials incident:

  • Remain upwind of the incident, and monitor shifts in wind direction.
  • Do not enter the hazardous or contaminated area for any reason, including rescue.
  • Secure the scene if you can safely do so to keep others out of the hazardous area.
  • Avoid contact with spilled hazardous materials or empty containers.

Severe Weather

Severe weather can include high winds, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, floods, extreme temperatures, or other events that have the potential to create safety hazards or cause property damage. Staff, faculty, and students should monitor weather conditions and take appropriate precautions as necessary.


  • Watch: Issued when conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. During a watch, review weather safety guidelines and be prepared to seek shelter.
  • Warning: Issued when a hazardous weather event is occurring or is imminent and is posing a threat to life and property. Seek shelter.

If sheltering in place for an imminent severe weather event such as high winds, tornado, or severe thunderstorm:

  • Follow instructions from PSD.
  • Do not leave a hardened structure.
  • If outside, seek shelter in the closest hardened structure immediately.
  • Move away from windows and toward interior rooms. Take cover in a designated shelter area if one is available.
  • If a designated shelter area is not available, seek cover in a space that:
    • Is located in the interior of a hardened structure
    • Is on the lowest level of the building
    • Does not have windows or skylights
  • Remain in the building until the storm passes.


Tornados can occur anywhere in the Southern Maryland Region. Public Safety monitors National Weather Service reports for tornado watches and warnings. Students, staff, and faculty are also encouraged to personally monitor weather conditions, NWS reports, and to sign up for weather alerts from media outlets.

Tornado Watch

The NWS issues a tornado watch when weather conditions are favorable for possible formation of tornadoes.

Actions to Take:

  • Remain alert for approaching storms and monitor weather sources for current weather information.
  • Anyone located outside or in a temporary building on campus should move into a permanent structure until the threat has passed.

Tornado Warning

The NWS issues a tornado warning when a tornado has been sighted in the area or is indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately.

Actions to take:

  • PSD will announce appropriate actions to take via Omnilert messaging. You may be notified by other media outlets prior to receiving instructions from PSD. You should take action when you receive notification of a tornado warning.
  • Do not leave permanent structure.
  • Move away from windows, doors, exterior walls, hallways, and open areas.
  • Take cover in a designated shelter area if available.
  • Evacuate upper levels and lobby areas.
  • Stay away from lobbies, walkways, atriums, and other large glassed-in areas, and large open areas with a long roof span such as auditoriums and gymnasiums.
  • If a designated shelter area is not available, move to an interior room or hallway on the lowest level of the building.
  • Provide assistance to people with functional impairments or disabilities.
  • Close fire doors in hallways.
  • Remain in place for at least 15 minutes, or until you receive notification from PSD that the threat has passed.

If you are outside and a tornado is approaching:

  • Get out of your vehicle. Do not stay in your vehicle, and do not try to outrun a tornado that is approaching on the ground.
  • Move into a permanent building if there is time to do so.
  • If you can’t make it to a building, lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression until the tornado has passed.

Workplace Violence/Unusual or Disturbing Behavior

Violent behavior means any act or threat of physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or the destruction or abuse of property by any individual. Threats may include veiled, conditional, or direct threats in verbal, written, electronic, or gestural form resulting in intimidation, harassment, harm, or endangerment to the safety of another person or property.

There are many forms that workplace violence can take:

  • Suicide threats
  • Threats to injure, or the injury of property or persons
  • Fights
  • Shootings
  • Stabbings
  • Sexual assaults

In the event of workplace violence:

  • Call 911 and notify campus Public Safety
  • Evacuate personnel from the area as necessary
  • Assist anyone who is injured
  • Allow emergency responders to secure the area without interference, even if you know the offenders.

Potential perpetrators of violence often display warning signs ahead of their violent acts. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Behaviors that regularly interfere with classroom environment or management
  • Notable change in academic performance
  • Notable change in behavior or appearance
  • Impairment of thoughts – verbal or written
  • Overly aggressive behavior towards others; inability to respect or set limits
  • Poor decision making and coping skills
  • Inappropriate or strange behavior
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Lack of resiliency
  • Writings or comments endorsing violence; unusual interest in violence
  • Lack of empathy and concern for others; inability to care
  • Anger management problems
  • Threats
    • Direct threats (e.g., “I’m going to take this place out.”)
    • Veiled threats (e.g., “sure would be a shame if something terrible happened here”)
    • Contingent threats (e.g., “If I fail this class, I’m going to off myself”)
  • Expression of suicidal thoughts or feelings of hopelessness
  • Preoccupation with violence or weapons
  • Signs that an off-campus relationship may spill over into the CSM setting (e.g., references to domestic violence by an individual who has been denied a relationship by a member of the CSM community, targeting a vehicle in a CSM parking lot, abusive messages left on voice mail or e-mail, a domestic violence offender waiting near a victim’s classroom).
  • Vandalism or destruction of property of specific individuals or specific groups of individuals
  • Practice or planning behaviors

How and where to report:

Call 911 and campus Public Safety to report concerning behavior, imminent threats, or actual acts of violence.

For behavior that is not an immediate threat to campus safety but is concerning, the preferred method of reporting is to complete a Student Behavior Incident Report Form. This online form should be used to report general student behavior concerns, violations of the student code of conduct, or violations of the standards for academic integrity.

The form is available online on the CSM Ready page here: Behavior report form

The form is also available in the CSM Safe App. The form can be accessed by clicking on the “Support Resources” tab from the main app page.

Stop the Bleed Kits

CSM has adopted the Stop the Bleed program, adding 29 Stop the Bleed kits which are mounted next to the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) cabinets in all college buildings:

View Locations on the Campus Map
  • CC 2nd floor next to 201
  • CC First Floor across from 101
  • BI First Floor Lobby across from 113E
  • CLC in the Lobby (Belongs to Charles County Public Schools)
  • BU First Floor Lobby next to 101
  • AD First Floor Lobby
  • CE First floor hall across from elevator
  • CE Second floor across from the elevator
  • LR First floor lobby next to 200B
  • FA Hall next to 103
  • FA between 157 and 159
  • CS Center Hall
  • PE First Floor across from Women’s Locker room
  • PE 2nd Floor next to 207
  • ST First Floor Lobby next to 140
  • MT Work Shop Area
  • TC center hall in between bathrooms

View Locations on the Campus Map

  • Building A, 2nd floor near the elevator and office A207
  • Building B 1st floor near the elevator and Bookstore B118
  • Building C, 1st floor near the Library C102
  • Building C, 3rd floor across from the elevator
  • Building D, near the Family Changing Room D105 (Belongs to Parks and Recreation)

View Locations on Campus Map

  • Building A, 1st floor across the hallway from the restrooms near Rooms A116 and A115
  • Building B, 1st floor across the hallway from the Multi-Purpose Rooms B102,103, and 104

View Locations on Campus Map

  • Center for Trades and Energy Training (CT building), The main entrance hallway
  • Center for Health Sciences (HS building), First Floor across from the elevator
  • Center for Health Sciences (HS building), First Floor across from 128
  • Center for Health Sciences (HS building), Second Floor across from the elevator

Additional standard bleed kits are carried by each public safety officer. 

Stop the Bleed kits provide simple directions and essential equipment. The directions outline the three primary steps required to keep bleeding people alive until medical personnel can arrive and provide appropriate care — the ABCs of bleeding control:

  • A = Alert – Call 911 as soon as possible.
  • B = Bleeding – Locate the bleeding injury.
  • C = Compress – Apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

The Stop the Bleed kits include:  a tourniquet, compression bandage, hemostatic pad, nitrile gloves, roller gauze, trauma shears, permanent marker, chest seal, emergency blanket, and an instruction card.

The college offers training in how to use the AED equipment and the Stop the Bleed kits. If you would like to get a jump start on learning more about using the Stop the Bleed kits this six-minute video provides a very good overview of the ABCs of bleed control.

Contact Public Safety

La Plata Campus
On campus: ext. 7888

Leonardtown Campus
On campus: ext. 5333

Prince Frederick Campus
On campus: ext. 6033

Regional Hughesville Campus
On campus: ext. 4898

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