The mission of Capella University is to extend access to high-quality bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, doctoral, and certificate programs for adults who seek to maximize their personal and professional potential. This mission is fulfilled through innovative programs that are responsive to the needs of adult learners and involve active, engaging, challenging, and relevant learning experiences offered in a variety of delivery modes.

Students can save up to
by completing their associate degree at College of Southern Maryand and then finishing up at Capella University (based on average costs 2020-21 and earning the guaranteed tuition discount for CSM graduates).
- Rolling Admissions
- Online Campus
- Physical Address:
225 South 6th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
- Phone:
(888) 227-3552
Articulated Program Requirements:
- CSM students must graduate with an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Science in Engineering, or Associated of Applied Science.
- CSM students must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Articulated Program Benefits:
- Eligible CSM faculty, staff, and graduates will receive a 10% tuition discount on all Capella University courses, excluding residential colloquia and fees.
View our General Admission Articulation Agreement