Webster University

You are unique, so is Webster. From our historic Webster Groves campus to locations worldwide, every Webster University campus is inviting and personal — with an esteemed student-focused faculty. Our programs are flexible and our reach is global; both our students and faculty are from around the world creating a diverse learning environment.

Learn what makes Webster as unique as you are — and how we can provide the quality education, personal attention, diverse community, and global experience you are looking for.
  • Guaranteed admissions for CSM students who have earned an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or an Associate of Applied Science, or complete at least 64 hours of college-level work prior to beginning studies at Webster University.
  • Complete the online application for undergraduate admission.
  • Present a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on all previous academic work. 
  • Submit a 300-500 word essay on the topic of you rchoice.
  • Webster University will provide an application fee waiver for students entering under this agreement.
view our guaranteed admission agreement for online programs
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